Friday, June 29, 2012

You Say Tomato...

This is our third full summer living in this house. The first year, our garden consisted of 2 lettuce plants that produced for a few weeks, then grew tall, skinny, and spindly, and dried up. Boo.

The second year, we planted seeds in a muffin tin indoors, hoping for about 24 plants in 6 different varieties of vegetables. About 10 of them actually turned into seedlings and got put into the ground... and all of them dried up and died before they turned into anything we could actually eat or even show off to anyone. More boo. I was very pregnant last spring (our little guy was born July 12th), so that's my excuse!

This year, I planted our garden in May. I bought 16 small plants (4 zucchini, 4 red peppers, 4 eggplant, and 4 tomatoes), stuck them in the ground, and have been watering them daily ever since with as much love and attention as I can muster up while also taking care of three small children. There have been a lot of hot days but also a lot of rain, so all of them are still alive, and some of them are even flourishing! (I'm so proud, can ya tell?)

Yesterday, I went outside to do some more watering, and lo and behold... tomatoes!!! 2 little green guys were peeking out at me from their leafy hiding places.

I can't even remember what kind of tomatoes I planted, and I have no definite ideas for what to do with them yet (other than slicing them up with some fresh mozzarella and fresh-picked basil, making some yummy bruschetta, and baking them stuffed with gorgonzola and bread crumbs- mmmmm!) but I am still so happy! There is something so gratifying about finally seeing the fruit of your labor. And I am so excited to have the opportunity to provide for my family in this way: frugally, organically, and deliciously! Now, if I can only narrow down my list of what I'm going to make with this impending deluge (I'm an optimist, I know!) of juicy, delicious Jersey tomatoes...

What's your favorite thing to do with fresh, ripe summer tomatoes?

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